Preparation and aftercare

Preparation and care are extremely important to getting the most out of your time with us. Please read the care instruction below associated with your upcoming service and prepare accordingly for your appointment.

Chemical Peels

  • Avoid direct sun exposure: Refrain from excessive sun exposure for at least two weeks before your chemical peel. This helps reduce the risk of hyperpigmentation and ensures your skin is in its optimal condition.

    Avoid certain treatments: Avoid any other facial treatments or procedures, such as laser resurfacing or waxing, for at least one week before your chemical peel. These treatments can sensitize your skin, making it more susceptible to irritation.

    Discontinue exfoliants: Stop using any exfoliating products, such as scrubs or harsh peels, for at least one week before your treatment. These products can cause skin sensitivity and may interfere with the effectiveness of the chemical peel.

    Hydrate your skin: Keep your skin well-hydrated in the days leading up to your chemical peel. Apply a moisturizer regularly to maintain a healthy skin barrier.

    • Rehydrate: Once dry, apply Post Sunless Moisturizing Spray to add moisture, seal sunless results and boost the DHA reaction.

    • You should refrain from showering as long as possible (up to 24-hours). As with all DHA products, sunless color begins showing development approx. 4-hours after application and continues to darken for up to 24-hours. If you must shower during the 4 to 24-hours following the application, WARM WATER RINSE ONLY. The use of soap can inhibit the full development of DHA color.

    • Important: Cosmetic instant bronzers will wash away during the first shower. Pools and spas that utilize chlorine can cause fading. When showering after 24-hours, use only a mild pH balancing shower gel. Refrain from using scrubs or high pH soaps as these will strip away your sunless color.

    • Extend and build color between sessions with a daily application of color extender moisturizer.

LED Teeth Whitening

  • Schedule a consultation: Before receiving LED teeth whitening, it's recommended to have a consultation with our experienced dental professionals at Buffalo Skin Boutique. They will evaluate your dental health and determine if you are a suitable candidate for the procedure.

    Clean your teeth: Prior to your appointment, ensure that you brush and floss your teeth thoroughly. A clean surface free from debris or plaque will allow the whitening gel to penetrate evenly.

    Avoid staining substances: Minimize or avoid consuming staining substances such as coffee, tea, red wine, berries, and tobacco in the days leading up to your treatment. These substances can hinder the whitening process and reduce the longevity of your results.

  • Avoid staining substances: In the first 24-48 hours after your treatment, avoid consuming staining substances that may compromise the procedure's effectiveness. Stick to a white or light-colored diet and steer clear of coffee, tea, red wine, berries, and tobacco products.

    Be gentle with your teeth: For the first few days following the treatment, be gentle when brushing and flossing your teeth. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and toothpaste specifically designed for sensitive teeth to minimize any potential discomfort.

    Maintain good oral hygiene: To prolong the results of your LED teeth whitening, maintain a consistent oral hygiene routine. Brush your teeth twice a day, floss daily, and rinse with a gentle mouthwash.

Airbrush Spray Tan

  • Exfoliate. Exfoliate. Exfoliate. We cannot over-stress the importance of pre-session exfoliation. 24 hours prior to your appointment, clear away any dry, dead skin cells with a pH-balancing scrub. For extreme areas use a deep exfoliator no less than 24 hours prior to your session.

    What to avoid. Using bar soaps, high-pH shower products, or in-shower moisturizers. These products can neutralize the DHA bronzing reaction within the skin.

    Hair Removal. Any depilatory creams, waxing, or shaving should be completed 24 hours prior to your session.

    • Don’t Create Sunless Barriers.

    • Avoid applying anything to the skin that may act as a barrier between the sunless solution and the skin. Deep penetration of the solution is key to beautiful lasting color. Do not apply lotions, creams, or perfumes prior to session. Use deodorant sparingly.

    • Remove any make-up prior to the sunless application.

    • Arrive Prepared.

    • Wear loose fitting dark colored clothing and remove jewelry. Tight clothing can rub or smear bronzers, especially around the knees, elbows, chest and waist.

    • Once dry, apply Post Sunless Moisturizing Spray to add moisture, seal sunless results and boost the DHA reaction.

    • You should refrain from showering as long as possible (up to 24-hours). As with all DHA products, sunless color begins showing development approx. 4-hours after application and continues to darken for up to 24-hours. If you must shower during the 4 to 24-hours following the application, WARM WATER RINSE ONLY. The use of soap can inhibit the full development of DHA color.

    • Important: Cosmetic instant bronzers will wash away during the first shower. Pools and spas that utilize chlorine can cause fading. When showering after 24-hours, use only a mild pH balancing shower gel. Refrain from using scrubs or high pH soaps as these will strip away your sunless color.

    • Extend and build color between sessions with a daily application of color extender moisturizer.

Brow Lamination

  • Avoid tweezing or waxing: Refrain from tweezing or waxing your eyebrows at least three days before the treatment. This will give your brow technician enough material to work with during the lamination process.

    Inform your technician: Disclose any previous brow treatments, such as microblading or tattooing, so we can tailor the procedure accordingly.

    Skin prep: Ensure your brow area is clean and free from any makeup, oils, or lotions before your appointment. This will allow the lamination products to adhere better to your brow hairs.

  • No wetting or makeup: Avoid wetting or applying any makeup to your brows for at least 24 hours after the procedure. Minimal contact with water allows the laminating solution to set properly, ensuring longer-lasting results.

    Avoid heat and sweating: For the first 48 hours post-lamination, steer clear of saunas, steam rooms, hot baths, or overly intense workouts. Excessive heat and sweating can cause the lamination to loosen, affecting its longevity.

    Moisturize: After the initial 24-hour waiting period, you can start moisturizing your brows using a designated brow oil or serum. This will hydrate and nourish the brow hairs, promoting their health and growth.

    Avoid harsh products: To maintain the laminated effect, avoid using harsh cleansers, exfoliators, or acne treatments directly on the brow area. These can strip away the laminating solution and cause premature fading.

    Refrain from tweezing or trimming: Please avoid at-home maintenance. To maintain the desired shape, let your brow technician handle any necessary grooming during your follow-up appointment.